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援手妇科疾病之我见My opinion on the treatment of gynecological diseases妇科病以经、带、胎产及妇科杂病为特质,多由功能失调、气血不和、冲任二脉毁伤所致,援手大法重用举座保重和谐和局外治务必达到平调气血阴阳,规复脏腑冲任之功能,消灭病邪,后时具体诓骗是应以四诊八纲为依据,分、寒、热、虚、实、痰、湿、邪、虫此不同分辩在血,在气、在脏、在腑,辩证审证求因之法:Department of gynecology diseases by, belt, fetal birth and miscellaneous diseases of department of gynaecology, caused by dysfunction, blood, blunt two pulse damage, treatment method reuse overall treatment and cooperate outside must achieve flat blood, Yin and Yang, restore the function of viscera blunt, dispel evil, after specific use should be based on four diagnosis eight classes, points, cold, heat, virtual, solid, phlegm, wet, insect, evil, this different discrimination in the blood, in the gas, in the dirty, in the heart, dialectical evidence for:余治妇科,侧重妇东说念主以血为主,以妇东说念主多气郁治法以疏肝理气,留意补肾益气或温肾助阳或滋阴益肾之治法,又以活血化瘀,健脾和胃,还用清热凉血和温经驱寒,清热除痰妥协鸩杀虫诸法。Yu zhi gynecology, focusing on women mainly with blood, treating women with more qi to regulate liver and qi, focusing on tonifying kidney and qi or warming kidney and helping Yang or nourishing Yin and kidney, and to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, spleen and stomach, but also to clear heat and cool blood and warm meridian and cold, clearing heat and removing phlegm and detoxification and insecticide.女子疾病不过乎乳房、子宫、卵巢、此疾病亦有性功能断绝,女性不孕症,亦有孕珠期产后疾病,女性内分泌疾病更年期和老年期疾病。在女性常见病症中,妇科炎症性多样疾病极为常见,妇东说念主白带(包括黄赤带)女阴炎,尿说念炎滴虫性阴说念类,霉菌性阴说念炎,附件炎,盆腔腹膜炎及盆腔经缔组织炎,女阴瘙痒,女阴白斑症,女阴干枯,经前期垂死等。Women's diseases are nothing more than breast, uterus, ovary, this disease also has sexual dysfunction, female infertility, pregnancy and postpartum diseases, female endocrine diseases menopause and senile diseases. Among the common diseases in women, gynecological inflammatory diseases are very common, including leucorrhea (including yellow ribbon), urethritis trichomonas vagina, fungal vaginitis, appendicitis, pelvic peritonitis and pelvic transconnective inflammation, pruritus, leukoplakia, dry, menstrual tension, etc.
蕾丝女同女性生殖器官常见病包括:淋病,敏感湿疣等女子乳房的常见病有急性乳腺炎和乳腺脓肿乳腺增生,乳腺囊肿,乳腺导管彭胀症和乳肿癌等,还有常见的妇科病痛经、闭经、月事前后期详细症绝经期前后详细症、月事由多、月事由少,或前或后不及期妇东说念主崩漏等。弃取中西医调惩罚疗妇科病疗效特出。Female reproductive organs common diseases include: gonorrhea, condyloma women's breast common disease have acute mastitis and breast abscess breast hyperplasia, breast cyst, breast duct expansion and lactoma cancer, etc., and common department of gynaecology dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, late menstrual syndrome before and after menopausal syndrome, month, after less, or before or after insufficient women collapse, etc. The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of gynecological diseases is effective.
医案一则A medical case 朱彦修尝治浙中一女子瘵,且愈,颊中两丹点不变,彦修技穷,谓主东说念主曰:须吴中葛公耳,主东说念主悦,乃榫椎舟。Zhu Yan xiu tasted a woman in central Zhejiang, and more, the cheek in the two Dan point unchanged, Yan Xiu skills are poor, that the master said: must Wu Zhong Ge Gong ear, the master yue, is the tenon vertebra boat.且至,主东说念主递上书,可久视其书,亦不谢客,遂登舟。And to, the master handed the letter, can long see its book, also do not thank the guest, then boarded the boat.比至,可久视女子,谓主东说念主曰:法当刺两乳,主东说念主难,可久曰:复之以衣,应手而灭。Compared to, can long see a woman, that the master said: law when thorn two milk, the master difficult, can long said: after the clothes, should hand and destroy.注释:朱彦修,即金元四全球朱丹溪,字彦修,朱丹溪尝治.:朱丹溪照旧援手浙中一女子瘵,照旧援手江浙地带一个妇女的劳瘵病,(即结核病),且愈,快治好了。頰中两丹点不变,但是脸頰下两个结节一直消不了。彥修技穷,朱丹溪使尽一切智商都没方针惩处这个问题,于是便对病东说念主家属讲,必须要请江浙的葛可久大夫材干治好,病东说念主家属听到欢腾极了,于是备上船拽上帆去葛可久何处。葛可久亦是古代名医,异常擅长援手痨瘵病,他著有古代名书(十神书),尚今援手咳血病的名方“十灰散”等于葛可久发明的。Note: Zhu Yanxiu, that is, the four masters Zhu Danxi, word Yanxiu, Zhu Danxi taste governance. : Zhu Danxi once treated a woman in central Zhejiang, once treated a woman in Jiangsu and Zhejiang with labor disease, (namely tuberculosis), and more, quickly cured. The two Dan dots in the cheek remain the same, but the two nodules under the cheek do not disappear. Yan Xiu technology is poor, Zhu Dan Xi make all means can not solve this problem, so he told the patient's family, must have to ask Jiangsu and Zhejiang doctor Ge Kejiu to cure, the patient's family heard very happy, so ready to board the boat to drag the sail to Ge Kejiu there. Ge Kejiu was also a famous doctor in ancient times, and he was particularly good at treating consumption. He wrote ancient famous books (Books of Ten Gods), and the famous prescription "Ten Grey Powder" was invented by Ge Kejiu.病东说念主家属去到葛可久住处找到葛可久大夫后,即呈上朱丹溪写的先容信给葛可久。当葛可久看了朱丹溪写的先容信后,也不呼唤病东说念主家属即上船去看阿谁女子的病去了。After the patient's family went to Ge Kejiu's residence to find him, they presented a letter of introduction written to him. When Ge Kejiu read the letter of introduction written by Zhu Danxi, he did not greet the patient's family to board the boat to see the woman's illness.到了后,葛可久看了阿谁妇女的病后,于是便对病东说念主生家属讲,援手此病应该对着乳嘴针灸。病东说念主家属听到葛大夫这么说感到为难,于是葛可久便说:复穿上穿着针,当针拔出耒以应那两个结节己隐藏了。After arriving, Ge Kejiu saw the woman's disease, so he told the patient's family members, the treatment of the disease should be on the nipple acupuncture. The patient's family heard doctor Ge said so feel embarrassed, so Ge Kejiu said: again put on the clothes needle, when the needle pulled out Lei to answer the two nodules have disappeared.本东说念主指摘:这篇著作,讲话粗鲁而深有含义,一、它告诉咱们作念大夫必须具备细致的医德,那就是当我方诊病的时辰,我方有把抓援手的疾病我方诊治,莫得把抓的疾病要主动先容给有把抓冶这种疾病的大夫援手。其二是施展朱丹溪和葛可久都是名医,但相互尊重。其三是葛可久医术高妙,颊下是足厥阴肝经遁行部位而乳嘴亦是足厥阴肝经遁行部位,同期在执行针刺时让病东说念主穿上穿着取穴相配准确,因而在援手时遵循很高.I comment: this article, the language is concise and profound meaning, first, it tells us that a doctor must have good medical ethics, that is, when their own diagnosis, they grasp the treatment of the disease diagnosis and treatment, uncertain disease to take the initiative to introduce to the doctor of this disease treatment. The second is that Zhu DanXi and Ge Kejiu are famous doctors, but respect each other. Third, ge Kejiu medical skills are superb, under the cheek is the part of the liver and the nipple is also the part of the liver, while the implementation of acupuncture to let the patient put on clothes to take the point is quite accurate, so the effect in the treatment is very high.
辨症施治是中医援手疾病最根底的标的It is the most fundamental policy of treating diseases in TCM最近,不管电视,电脑,手机都有好多援手多样疾病的单方仙丹,无疑是中医中肃肃的医学遗产,有的药方援手某种疑难疾病,起到了立竿见影的遵循,但也有一大部份患者对这些灵丹仙丹吃事后病情加深……。针对这种情况,笔者合计有必要教导东说念主们,凡援手疾病必须辨症论治,方能达到数半功倍的遵循。 Recently, no matter TV, computer, mobile phone, there are a lot of unilateral drugs to treat various diseases, is undoubtedly the precious medical heritage of traditional Chinese medicine, some prescriptions for some difficult diseases, played an immediate effect, but also a majority of patients to these panacea after the disease deepened.... In view of this situation, the author thinks that it is necessary to remind people that the treatment of diseases must be treated in order to achieve the effect of half the result. 什么是辨症论治?辨症论治是中医基础表面热切的一环,那就是中医理、法、方、药在临床上具体诓骗,它既是中医临床职责的表面原则,又有惩处会诊,援手等实践问题的具体智商,其主要内容包括,四诊,八纲辨症分类,审证求因,援手总则和常用援手智商六个部分.What is discrimination and treatment? Disease theory cure is an important part of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, that is medicine, method, prescription, medicine in clinical concrete application, it is not only the theoretical principle of clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine, and solve the practical problems of diagnosis, treatment, its main content include, four diagnosis, eight classes disease classification, trial evidence, general treatment and commonly used treatment of six parts.是以疾病的援手毫不是很浮浅的手脚,不应轻信子虚信息,应请有学识有劝诫的有牌大夫援手。So the treatment of the disease is not very simple as, should not be credulous false information, should be invited to have a knowledgeable and experienced licensed doctor treatment. 论眼病证冶:论目之病,各有其症,识症之法不行省略,故曰:证候不解,愚东说念主迷途,经经不解,盲子夜行。余祖傅治眼疾,历代以效显名,积历代之劝诫,又熟读历代名医名著:银海精微、注释瑶涵,眼科约篇、眼科㨗径,叶天士眼科,取各书之精华施于临床,在临证中又以祖围医学表面基础回诊八纲辨证真人示范性交姿势,八法用药,知病之虚实阴,熟药性之温凉寒热,识経络之通塞,望步地之进退,当补当行,或止或泻、目之为病,吾以五轮八廓辨证,分七十二证施治,余每治目之红、肿、痛、痒、翳膜点膜,热泪酌量,两目赤痛,夜恶灯火逆风致泪每以药到回舂。又治内障眼力減退,视物不真,茫茫黑花,暴盲,夜盲,远视、近视等见症治后,无不告成、、、、。以上论治,实为空浮,齐奈因余学识淺陋,缺点之点,实为不免,不及之处,望同说念东说念主赐与指正。On eye disease syndrome: on the disease of the eye, each has its own disease, the method of the disease can not be unknown, so said: syndrome is unknown, the fool lost, the classics is unknown, blind at night. Yu Zu Fu cure eye disease, past dynasties to fame, product of experience, and read all dynasties famous doctor classics: silver sea fine, examine yao han, eye, eye diameter, Ye Tianshi eye, take the essence of the book in clinical, in evidence and with the medical theory basis to eight classes syndrome differentiation, eight method medication, know the actual Yin, cooked medicine warm cold heat, knowledge of the plug, hope of the situation, when fill, or stop or diarrhea, eye for the disease, I with five rounds of eight profile syndrome differentiation, seventy-two evidence, each treat red, swelling, pain, itching, shadow film, tears, communication, eyes, night evil lights wind tears every medicine to ground. And treatment of internal barrier vision loss, vision is not true, the vast black flowers, violent blindness, night blindness, farsightedness, myopia and other diseases after treatment, all effective,,,,,. The above theory of governance, it is empty floating, all because of shallow knowledge, false point, it is inevitable, shortcomings, hope colleagues to give correction.